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World Ozone Day Celebration

About Event:

Organizing such type of events have numerous positive impacts on students and society as.
Environmental Awareness: Such events educate students about the importance of the ozone layer, fostering a greater understanding of environmental issues.
Scientific Knowledge: Students can gain insights into atmospheric science, climate change, and the role of ozone in protecting life on Earth, enhancing their scientific knowledge.
Problem-Solving Skills: Participating in ozone-related activities encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students explore solutions to environmental challenges.
Sustainable Practices: Learning about sustainable living practices during these events can inspire students to adopt eco- friendly habits in their daily lives.
Community Engagement: It offers an opportunity for students to engage with their local communities, collaborate with peers, and build a sense of community responsibility.
Positive Impact: Students can take pride in knowing that their participation contributes to a cleaner, healthier planet and a brighter future for generations to come.

Content of the Events: 

  • Power point presentation
  • Plantation
  • Cleanliness drive
  • Poster making and presentation

Highlights: Students will gain deep knowledge via enhancing an awareness program of environment conservation.

Course Name (Participants):

  • B.Sc. (H) Zoology (3rd & 5th Semester): 11 students
  • B.Sc. CBZ (1st, 3rd and 5th Semester): 16 students
  • B.Sc. Microbiology and Biotechnology (1st, 3rd and 5th Sem):30 students
  • B.Sc. PCM (1st, 3rd and 5th Sem): 13 students
  • B.Sc. (H) Forensic (1st, 3rd and 5th Sem): 53 students
  • B.Sc. (H) Food Technology (1st, 3rd, 5th Sem): 23 students
  • B.Sc. (H) Forestry: (1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Sem): 22 students

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 18-Sep-2023, 10:00, DBUU

Event Coordinator

  • Miss Ushasi Ghosh, Dr. Garima Tomar & Miss Amreen

Contact Person:

  • Miss Ushasi Ghosh, Phone No, Dr. Garima Tomar

AIM of the Event:

  • To educate college students and the broader community from ozone depleting substances.
  • To create a heightened sense of awareness about the environmental issues related to ozone depletion.
  • To instill in students a sense of global citizenship.
  • To encourage innovative thinking.
  • To motivate students to take proactive steps towards a greener, more sustainable future.

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