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Cyber Security in collaboration with IIC

About Event-

The School of Engineering and computing is organizing an Expert Talk on the Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology in collaboration with Institution’s innovation council (IIC). The Expert Talk will be held on 18 march 2024. This Expert Talk will be open for all branches of engineering. It floats proper knowledge regarding the risk of cybercrime.

Content of the Event: Awareness of cyber security


  • Protect Confidentiality
  • Reduce risk of cybercrime

Speakers of the Events-

Name: Mr.Nikhil Ranjan, he is an Academician and Life-Coach, currently working as Senior Programme Coordinator at the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELET) Haridwar. Being a lifetime member of Computer Society of India (CSI), International Association of Engineers (IAENG) etc.. He has about 16+ years of experience in the field of Education Sector and Industry

Email- prj.haridwar@nielit.gov.in

Course Name (Participants): ECE and EE

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 18-Mar-2024, 10:00, Seminar Hall, First Floor Main Building

Event Coordinator

  • Dr.Pravesh Belwal HOD, ECE Ms. Renu Yadav, Assistant Professor, ECE

Contact Person:

  • Dr.Pravesh Belwal HOD, ECE Ms. Renu Yadav, Assistant Professor, ECE

AIM of the Event:

The main aim of the event is to spread awareness among the students about the the main objective of this talk is to protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and systems. As more and more organizations are adopting digital transformation, the risk of cybercrime is increasing at a rapid rate.

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