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Patent Filing Procedure and IP management of MSME

About Event -

This program provides our students a complete knowledge about how to file a patent, which is very important for their course as well as their career. This will encourage our students to proceed with new ideas for their entrepreneurship. The main aim of this guest lecture is to make our students brain-storming, so that they will think with the proper vision. This is very beneficial for their educational and career growth.

Content of the Event    
“Patent Filing Procedure and IP management of MSME”

Enhance the knowledge of students regarding patents and trademarks.

Speakers of the Events
Name - Dr. Rahul Taneja
Email - drrahultaneja@gmail.com
Designation & Experience - Scientist & 15 years
Organization - Directorate of Science and Technology, Government of Haryana, Panchkula

Department/School Name 
School of Pharmacy and Research

Course Name
B. Pharm IInd year, B. Pharm IIIrd year and M. Pharm Ist year

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 16-Apr-2024, 10:00, Seminar Hall, Main Building, DBUU Campus, Dehradun.

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Sonia Chawla, Ms. Kanchan Singh

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Sonia Chawla

AIM of the Event:

  • To aware students about the current ideas which can be converted into a start-up.
  • To provide an information how to convert an idea into a patent.
  • To understand about IP management.
  • To provide complete knowledge about patent filing procedure
  • To understand the innovation and research trends

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