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A session on Stock Market activities for live project and model formation

About Event

  • Aim of the session is to get awareness about the investment on share through stock market activities in form of live project and model formation and to provide the participants with practical insights and hands-on experience in
    understanding and navigating the dynamics of the stock market operation.
  • Through this session, participants will learn how to analyze stock market trends, identify investment opportunities, manage risks, and develop strategies for building investment portfolios.
Content of the Event Life operation of BSE and NSE and corelated the theoretical literature for better understanding about the mode of operation of stock market to gain the profit and safeguard the hard earn money of the public.
Highlights The lecture can inspire and encourage individuals to explore entrepreneurship and start their ventures. By understanding the support and opportunities available through the NEP 2020, participants may be more inclined to consider entrepreneurship as a viable career option.
To be debriefed by
the Dean SOMC / his
designated faculty.
Name Dr. Anurag Kushwaha
Email dean.somc@dbuu.ac.in
Designation & Experience Assistant Professor & 1.5 years
Organization DBUU
Department Name ( Full Name) SOMC
Course Name (Participants) Students of SoMC
Date Time & Venue of Events: 23 April 2024; 11:00 A.M onwards

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 23-Apr-2024, 11:00, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University

Event Coordinator

  • Dr. Anurag Kushwaha, Ms. Swati Uniyal

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Taruna Sabharwal

AIM of the Event:

  • This session likely aims to provide participants with insights and practical knowledge about financial literacy on investment activities related to the stock market.
  • It may cover topics such as stock market analysis, investment strategies, portfolio management, and the development of live projects and models related to stock market dynamics.
  • The session could involve interactive discussions, practical exercises, and guidance on how to formulate models and projects based on real-world stock market data and scenarios.

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