Event Banner

Transform Your Dreams Into Achievements – Challenges and Ways To Overcome Them

About Event

Embark on a transformative journey where aspirations meet reality in our upcoming event, “Transform Your Dreams Into Achievements.” This event is designed to inspire, motivate, and equip participants with the tools to turn their dreams into tangible successes. Through engaging discussions, interactive workshops, and insightful guest lectures, attendees will explore the challenges that often accompany the pursuit of dreams and discover effective strategies to overcome them.

Content of the Event Guest Lecture
Highlights Guest Lecture on Transform Your Dreams Into Achievements – Challenges and Ways To Overcome Them
Speakers of the Events
Name Col Arvind Jadli(Retd)
Email NA
Designation & Experience CEO
Organization CEO of Guided Success Acadmey
Department Name ( Full Name) SOMC
Course Name (Participants) MBA I Year
Date Time & Venue of Events: Date 01 May 2024
Time 11:00am
Venue: DBIMS Seminar Hall

Date Time & Venue of Events:

  • 01-May-2024, 10:00, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University

Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:

  • Ms Taruna Sabharwal & Ms Swati Uniyal, 9084688044

Contact Person:

  • Ms Taruna Sabharwal & Ms Swati Uniyal, 9084688044

AIM of the Event:

  • Empowerment: Provide attendees with the empowerment and confidence to pursue their dreams relentlessly
  • Inspiration: Motivate individuals by showcasing real-life success stories and experiences of individuals who have overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.
  • Skill Development: Equip participants with practical skills, techniques, and resources to navigate challenges effectively and efficiently.
  • Networking: Facilitate networking opportunities for participants to connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and experts in various fields.
  • Goal Setting: Assist attendees in setting realistic, actionable goals and developing personalized action plans to work towards them.