About Event
The programme aims at imparting to the learners a thorough insight into the various aspects of enterprise creation, technical know-how, credit sources, and marketing of products and changing trends of market in global scenario. The participants will be able to understand the concepts of entrepreneurship education, identification/ selection of projects Business plan preparation, Marketing techniques, Credit linkage and setting up of own enterprise so as to run their business successfully. While the programme incorporates a thorough briefing on Government support scheme, it also includes additional benefits of being an Entrepreneur.
Content of the Event: To promote , support and sustain entrepreneurship and small business through training, education and research.
Highlights of Events: “Entrepreneurship Awareness Program”
Speakers of the Event
Name: B S Sajwan
E-Mail ID: bssajwan@niesbud.gov.in
Designation & Experience: Chief Consultant - Training, Mentoring and Hand-holding
Organizational-chart: NIESBUD
Name: Dr. Alka Pandey
E-Mail ID: dviodehradun@gmail.com
Designation & Experience: Officer, KVIB, Dehradun
Course Name: B. Pharm IInd year, B. Pharm IIIrd year ,M. Pharm Ist year , Pharm D I year and Pharm D II year
Date, Time & Venue of the Event:
- 13-May-2024, 10:00, Seminar Hall SOMC
Event Coordinator
- Ms. Chavi Mittal
Contact Person:
- Ms. Chavi Mittal
AIM of the Event:
- To impart entrepreneurial knowledge and strengthen entrepreneurial competencies
- To help in selecting the right type of project and products.
- To facilitate to acquire necessary managerial skills required to run the enterprise.
Event Media Gallery-