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Entrepreneurship Awareness Program In association with NIESBUD (National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development) Under IIC

About Event 

The programme aims at imparting to the learners a thorough insight into the various aspects of enterprise creation, technical know-how, credit sources, and marketing of products and changing trends of market in global scenario. The participants will be able to understand the concepts of entrepreneurship education, identification/ selection of projects Business plan preparation, Marketing techniques, Credit linkage and setting up of own enterprise so as to run their business successfully. While the programme incorporates a thorough briefing on Government support scheme, it also includes additional benefits of being an Entrepreneur.

Content of the Event: To promote , support and sustain entrepreneurship and small business through training, education and research.

Highlights of Events: “Entrepreneurship Awareness Program”

Speakers of the Event 

Name: B S Sajwan 

E-Mail ID: bssajwan@niesbud.gov.in

Designation & Experience: Chief Consultant - Training, Mentoring and Hand-holding

Organizational-chart: NIESBUD

Name: Dr. Alka Pandey 

E-Mail ID: dviodehradun@gmail.com

Designation & Experience: Officer, KVIB, Dehradun

Course Name: B. Pharm IInd year, B. Pharm IIIrd year ,M. Pharm Ist year , Pharm D I year and Pharm D II year 

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 13-May-2024, 10:00, Seminar Hall SOMC

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Chavi Mittal

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Chavi Mittal

AIM of the Event:

  1. To impart entrepreneurial knowledge and strengthen entrepreneurial competencies
  2. To help in selecting the right type of project and products.
  3. To facilitate to acquire necessary managerial skills required to run the enterprise.

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