About Event
Dept. of CSE is going to organize one day event Workshop on PHP using Laravel Framework on 15-May-24 at 10:00AM in LAB No. 9, DBUU.
Content of the Event
The event will be start at 10:00AM on 11-May-24 at 10:00AM at LAB No. 9, DBUU.
Speakers of the Events
Name: Er. Santosh Rawat
E-Mail ID: santoshrawat@vervegen.com
Designation & Experience: Sr. Full Stack Web Developer
Organization: VerveGen Tech Pvt. Ltd., Dehradun
Course Name:BTech(CSE) 2nd year, MCA 1st year, BCA 2nd year.
Date, Time & Venue of the Event:
- 15-May-2024, 10:00, LAB No. 9, DBUU
Event Coordinator
- Mr. Mukesh Rajput
Contact Person:
- Mr. Mukesh Rajput
AIM of the Event:
The aim of this event to give exposure to students about web development with PHP using Laravel Framework.