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Makar Sankranti Fusion Khichdi Fiesta

About Event- 

Makar Sankranti, also known as Maghi, is a Hindu festival that marks the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Makara (Capricorn). Celebrated in various parts of India and Nepal, as well as in other countries, Makar Sankranti usually falls on January 14th or 15th, marking the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of longer days.


The festival holds cultural and religious significance and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and diverse traditions across different regions. People observe this day by taking holy dips in rivers, offering prayers to the sun god, and participating in various festive activities.

One of the key aspects of Makar Sankranti is the tradition of flying kites. In many parts of India, particularly in Gujarat and Rajasthan, people engage in friendly kite-flying competitions, adding vibrant colors to the sky. The festival is also associated with the exchange of til (sesame seeds) and jaggery, symbolizing the sweetness and warmth of relationships.

Content of the Event- Theme Lunch


1-Having theme lunch.
2-Serving fusion khichdi.

Course Name (Participants)- B.sc HHA

Date Time & Venue of Events: 

Date: 15-01-2024
Time: 1:30 pm onwards
Venue: SOHMT Block

Date Time & Venue of Events:

  • 15-Jan-2024, 13:30, SOHMT Block

Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:

  • Mr Shubhang Walia, 7017549403

Contact Person:

  • Mr Shubhang Walia, 7017549403

AIM of the Event:

  1. Harvest Celebration: Makar Sankranti is often considered a harvest festival, symbolizing the
    culmination of the winter season and the beginning of the harvest period. It is a time for farmers to rejoice and express gratitude for the bountiful crops.
  2. Spiritual Significance: The festival holds religious importance as people take holy dips in
    rivers, particularly the Ganges, to cleanse themselves and seek blessings. Devotees also offer prayers to the sun god, Surya, expressing gratitude for the life-sustaining energy provided by the sun.
  3. Renewal of Nature: Makar Sankranti marks the gradual movement of the sun towards the northern hemisphere, resulting in longer days and the promise of warmer weather. This transition is seen as a symbol of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new agricultural cycle.
  4. Community Bonding: The tradition of kite- flying and other festive activities during Makar
    Sankranti fosters a sense of community and social bonding. People come together to celebrate the joyous occasion, strengthening social ties and promoting unity.
  5. Cultural Diversity: Makar Sankranti is celebrated with diverse customs and traditions across different regions of India. The festival reflects the cultural richness of the country, showcasing the variety of rituals, foods, and festivities associated with the event.