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Awareness program on “World Rabies Day” and its Management

About Event-

School of nursing is organizing Health education for the awareness about Rabies by students of GNM 1 st year of SON, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University. Health education will be presented by the students of GNM 1 ST Year of School of Nursing, DBUU. Through this program community people will be able to gain knowledge and its prevention and management of Rabies.

Content of the Event- School of nursing is organizing a health education program for the community people regarding rabies and its prevention and management. Health education program will be presented by the GNM 1 st year students of School of Nursing, DBUU. Through this program community people will be able to gain knowledge and its prevention and management of Rabies.


  1. Inauguration of session
  2. Interactions with the community people .
  3. Health education given through charts, pamphlets to the community people.

Speakers of the Events

Name- GNM 1 st year Students

Organization- School of Nursing, DBUU

Course Name (Participants)- Awareness programme on “World Rabies Day.”

Date Time & Venue of Events:

03rd Oct. 2023 ,04th October 2023
10:00 am onwards.
Community Health Centre(CHC),Sahaspur

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 25-Oct-2023, 10:00, Health Centre(CHC),Sahaspur

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Sadhana Rawat Nursing Tutor

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Sadhana Rawat Nursing Tutor

AIM of the Event:

  • Community people will Be Able to Gain Knowledge Regarding Rabies and its prevention.
  • It will provide knowledge to the community people regarding how to do care after dog bite.
  • It will boost the confidence in the students.

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