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About Event-

The event is a current affairs event unrestricted by any single domain of activity.
The event would be open to all students of the University regardless of department and seniority of semester. Students would be able to exhibit their creations & knowledge in an unrestricted environment ,sans guidance from their
faculties The event involves removing clips, pictures and ideas from newspapers and magazines , pasting them on given sheets of
paper, thereby showcasing their craft using their own understanding & interpretation of the subject matter. The students would need to search for appropriate material from newspapers magazines & journals. They would thereafter copy / cut and paste them to a blank sheet to make sense and project their understanding and
viewpoint in a unique manner. There is an option to choose content in the form of a text , graphics or create their own images using any other materials.
The event aims to draw students from the dwindling usage of printed matter- newspapers & magazines as also bring them to the library.  Visitor footfall would contribute to cultivating the ‘library habit’.
The lifting of restriction on the choice of language aims to enhance creativity . The event would highlight the independent viewpoints of the students in an unrestricted format and environment. It will pave the way for future competitions both off and on campus.

Content of the Events- Creating Posters from available published material.

Highlights of Events- An invigorating, creative atmosphere would be created, It would lead to interest in other creative activities on the campus.

Department Name- Central library

Course Name- Library

Date Time & Venue of Events: 18/04/2023, 10.30 a.m. Central Library premises

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 18-Apr-2023, 10:00, Central Library premises

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Prateeksha Rai, Dr. Hemant Nautiyal, Mr. Sanjiv Maira, Dr. Chetan Bhatt, Ms. Rekha Thakur, Ms. Neha Singh

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Rekha Thakur

AIM of the Event:

  • Encourage students to express their viewpoints on current affairs.
  • Enable students to give a form to their thoughts freely on chosen subjects.
  • Bring out the creative element within themselves while being ethically responsible.
  • The given time frame would bring in the element of meeting timelines.
  • The choice of materials would add uniqueness to subject matter,

Event Media Post: