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Celebration of World Health Day 2023 Theme: “Health for All”

About Event- 

The Department of Nursing organizing extracurricular activity (awareness program) on the occasion of World Health Day 2023. Many health systems are ill-prepared to deal with the physical and mental health challenges faced by their populations while emerging with COVID, for that theme of World Health Day 2023 provides everyone with an opportunity to re-kindle ones efforts to make the world a better place. All Students of B.Sc. Nursing will participate and aware the public regarding importance of Health. It is helpful in developing the feeling of cooperation and coordination among students. Students will develop positive attitude.

Content of the Events- Poster competition & essay writing competition.

Highlights of Events- 

  • Skill development
  • Developing healthy lifestyle.
  • Creative learning

Course Name- All the nursing students

Date Time & Venue of Events: 7th April(Friday) , 11:00 Am onwards, Kalandi Hospital &  SON

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 07-Apr-2023, 23:00, Kalandi Hospital & SON

Event Coordinator

  • Mrs. Sahida & Mr. Sunil

Contact Person:

  • Mrs Sahida Begum

AIM of the Event:

  • To make students learn extracurricular activities.
  • To create atmosphere of planned work about better health.
  • To learn various aspects of different type of activities.
  • To learn & spread awareness regarding Importance of Health and healthy life.
  • To involve them in activities where they can learn practically.

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