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Jan Aushadhi Generic Medicines to the extent possible ensuring affordable medication and treatment

About Event- 

This lecture is initiated to impart knowledge on ‘Jan Aushadhi Generic Medicines to the extent possible ensuring affordable medication and treatment’.

Highlights of Events- ‘Jan Aushadhi Generic Medicines to the extent possible ensuring affordable medication and treatment’.

Speakers of the Events

NAME- Mr Tapan Sharma

Designation & Experience- Nodal officer

Organization- Pradhanmantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana, Uttarakhand

Course Name- D.Pharm I, D.Pharm II and B.Pharm IV year

Date Time & Venue of Events:- 29-03-2023, 10 AM onwards & SOAS Seminar Hall

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 29-Mar-2023, 11:00, SOAS Seminar Hall

Event Coordinator

  • Ms Yeasmin, Mr. Akhilesh Nautiyal

Contact Person:

  • Ms Yeasmin, Mr. Akhilesh Nautiyal

AIM of the Event:

  • For providing the knowledge among students regarding Jan Aushadhi Generic Medicines.
  • To initiate students for the use of generic medicines instead of branded ones at affordable prices.

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