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Lamp Lightening and Oath Taking Ceremony

About Event-

Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University will organize lamp lighting oath taking ceremony. The lamp lighting ceremony is an auspicious occasion in every nurse’s life, held in reverence to Florence Nightingale, the lady with the lamp. The lamp lighting ceremony formally recognizes the students’ entry into the nursing profession as the lamp symbolizes the light that a nurse becomes to
her patients and as a symbol of hope and comfort to those suffering. Students lit lamps as a mark of their commitment and took the nursing pledge marking the occasion.

Highlights of Events- Lamp lighting and oath taking ceremony

Speakers of the Events

  • Dr Ashutosh Sayana Director of Medical Education & Principal Doon Medical College as Chief Guest.
  • Dr. Ram Kumar Sharma, Registrar of Uttrakhand nursing & midwifery council & Principal State College of Nursing as guest of honour.
  • Dr Shalini Barnard, Nursing superintendent Max Hospital Dehradunas special guest

Course Name- Dev Bhoomi Institute of Nursing

Date Time & Venue of Events: 17th February 2023, at 10am to 4 pm. at
Multipurpose Hall, Ayurveda Building, Second
Floor, DBUU.


Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 17-Feb-2023, 10:00, Multipurpose Hall, Ayurveda Building, Second Floor, DBUU

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Priyanka Joshi, Ms. Deeksha Rawat

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Priyanka Joshi, Ms. Deeksha Rawat

AIM of the Event:

The lamp lighting ceremony formally recognizes the students’ entry into the nursing profession as the lamp symbolizes the light that a nurse becomes to her patients and as a symbol of hope and comfort to those suffering.

Event Media Post: