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“Eat Right Week: Workshops, Exhibits, and a Path to Wellness”

A 3-day event consisting of following activities:

  1. Workshop on Microgreen production and their nutritional values
  2. Food tasting competition (Raw vegetables, fruits, spices and cereals)
  3. Workshop on Value added products of millets (Cookies and cakes), Dehydrated vegetables and products of fruits
  4. Food exhibition (Products prepared during workshop, food stalls by different students showcasing their regional food, inhouse products of SOA)

Content of the Event: 

  1. Workshop on Microgreen Production and its nutritive value (10 September, 2024)
  2. Workshop on Value addition of Fruits and Vegetables. (11 September, 2024)
  3. Food Exhibition

Highlights of Events: Food Exhibition

Speakers of the Events

Name- Ms. Paratikshya Khadka

E-Mail ID: Agri.paratikshya@dbuu.ac.in

Designation & Experience: Assistant Professor, Dev
Bhoomi Uttarakhand University

Organization:  Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand, University

Name: Dr. Preeti Handa

E-Mail ID: Agri.preeti@dbuu.ac.in

Designation & Experience: Assistant Professor, Dev
Bhoomi Uttarakhand University

Organization:  Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand, University

Course Name: Students of Agriculture and Forestry

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 10-Sep-2024, 02:30 pm, DBUU Campus

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Paratikshya Khadka, Dr. Ravi Prakash Mishra and Dr. Preeti Handa Kakkar

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Paratikshya Khadka , 7055953527

AIM of the Event:

  • To educate participants about the cultivation techniques of microgreens and highlight their superior nutritional value.
  • To enhance awareness of the diverse flavors, textures, and health benefits of raw plant-based foods. It
    encourages appreciation for fresh, unprocessed produce and promotes the consumption of a balanced diet.
  • To explore the potential of millets, fruits, and vegetables in the creation of value-added products such as cookies, cakes, and dehydrated goods.
  • To provide a platform for showcasing the outcomes of the workshops and promote regional culinary diversity.
  • To healthier eating habits and encourages sustainable, home-grown food production.

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