This is a CSE department is going to organize Padmayuh Hackathon 3.0 in University on 11, 12-OCT-24 at 10:00am.
Content of the Event:
- Introduction and Theme Announcement: The event begins with a welcome speech, followed by the announcement of the hackathon theme or challenge. Participants are briefed on the rules, judging criteria, and the expected outcomes.
- Team Formation and Idea Pitching: Participants can form teams or join pre-existing ones. Teams brainstorm and pitch their initial project ideas to mentors for feedback and guidance.
- Coding and Development Phase: Teams work intensively to design, code, and develop their projects. Mentors provide support and guidance throughout the process, and participants may attend workshops to enhance their skills.
Highlights of Events: A maximum of 4 participants per team will be allowed, with an entry fee of Rs. 800/- per team. The funds collected will contribute to the prize pool and refreshments for participants. We anticipate a total collection of Rs. 48,000/- from 60 teams. Total cash prize worth Rs. 50,000/- will be distributed among the winners. We are working to get sponsorship from Technical Industries.
Date, Time & Venue of the Event:
- 11-Oct-2024, 10:00 am, Computer Lab, Main Building
Event Coordinator
- Mr. Govind Singh Panwar
Contact Person:
- Mr. Govind Singh Panwar, 97580 47007
AIM of the Event:
The aim of a hackathon is to foster innovation and collaboration among participants by providing a platform for them to develop creative solutions to real-world problems within a limited time frame. Participants, typically in teams, work intensively to design, code, and present their projects, often addressing themes such as technology, business, or social impact. Hackathons encourage skill development, teamwork, and networking, allowing individuals to showcase their technical and creative abilities. They also offer opportunities for mentorship, feedback, and learning, ultimately driving technological advancements and inspiring participants to think outside the box.
Guest/Speakers of the Event (If any):
Name | Designation | Affiliation | Short Profile |
Mr. Govind Singh Panwar | Assistant Professor, CSE department, DBUU | DBUU | Assistant Professor, CSE department, DBUU |