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Zero Emission Day Celebration

The event's primary objective is to raise awareness about climate change and promote eco-friendly practices that can significantly reduce the global carbon footprint.

Raise Awareness:

  • Educate individuals, communities, and organizations about the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their role in climate change.

Carbon-Free Pledge Campaign:

  • Participants are invited to take the "Zero Emissions Pledge," committing to avoiding using fossil fuels and reducing their energy consumption for the day.
  • This can include walking or cycling instead of driving, turning off non-essential electronics, and reducing consumption of single-use plastics.

Content of the Event: 

  1. Energy conservation campaign
  2. Green pledges for sustainability practices
  3. March Past to increase awareness to reduce carbon footprint
  4. Cleanliness drive (On-campus)

Highlights of Events: Students will gain deep knowledge via enhancing an awareness program of reduction in carbon footprints and environment conservation.

Course Name: 

  • B.Sc. CBZ- 30
  • B.Sc. Micro and Biotech I Sem- 30
  • III Sem- 13
  • V Sem- 15
  • B.Sc. Forensic- 60
  • M.Sc I Micro & Biotech- 18
  • M.Sc Micro III Sem- 10
  • B.Sc. Physics Sem. 1- 4
  • B.Sc. 2- 4
  • M.Sc 1- 2
  • B.Sc.PCM- 6
  • B.Sc. & M.Sc. Mathematics- 21
  • M.Sc. EVS- 2

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 30-Sep-2024, 10:00 am, DBUU Campus

Event Coordinator

  • Dr. Garima Tomar

Contact Person:

  • Dr. Arun Kumar, Phone No.: 7830259839, Dr. Garima Tomar, Phone No.: 9411643699

AIM of the Event:

Promote Sustainable Practices: Encourage adopting eco-friendly practices such as using renewable energy, conserving resources, and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Foster Responsibility: Empower people to take personal responsibility for their environmental impact by making conscious decisions to minimize carbon emissions daily.

Highlight Clean Energy Solutions: Showcase the importance and feasibility of transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. 

Advocate for Climate Action: Support global efforts to meet climate goals, such as the Paris Agreement, by emphasizing the role of individuals and local actions in driving global change.

Encourage Collaboration: Build a sense of community and collective responsibility by involving diverse groups—schools, businesses, governments—in working together toward a zero-emissions future.

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