This to bring to your kind notice that the School of Architecture Planning and Design is planning to celebrate World Architecture Day on 8th October 2024 by organizing an event titled “ARCHIFEST 2024”. The purpose of this event is to promote, appreciate, and celebrate architecture on a global scale, involving our students and faculty in a series of engaging activities. The planned celebration will include cultural programs and various competitions aimed at showcasing creativity, innovation, and architectural knowledge.
The proposed events include:
- Exhibition
- Ice-structure
- Archichamps Quiz
- Fashion Show
- Treasure Hunt
- Open Mic
Content of the Event: A celebration of World Architecture Day
Highlights of Events:
- Exhibition of Architectural Projects: Displaying student work, innovative designs, and creative projects to showcase talent and ingenuity.
- Ice-Structure Challenge: A unique competition where participants will design and construct creative ice structures, blending architectural skills with fun.
- Archichamps Quiz: A knowledge-based quiz DBUU Event File Format Ver. 1.0( Effective from Oct 2021) competition centered around architecture, testing participants on architectural history, theory, and current trends.
- Fashion Show: A runway showcasing architectural- themed fashion, where students will design and present outfits inspired by architectural elements and concepts.
- Treasure Hunt: A fun and challenging activity that encourages teamwork as participants solve architectural clues and puzzles to find hidden items.
- Open Mic Session: Providing a platform for students and faculty to express their thoughts, ideas, and experiences related to architecture in an informal setting, fostering creativity and community spirit.
Course Name: B. Arch, B. Design, M. Plan, D. Arch, B.Sc Animation
Date, Time & Venue of the Event:
- 08-Oct-2024, 10:00 am, SoAPD Building
Event Coordinator
- Ar. Shahrukh shah, Ar. Anjli Dangwal
Contact Person:
- Ar. Shahrukh shah
AIM of the Event:
- To promote the appreciation of architectural innovation and creativity through engaging activities and exhibitions.
- To provide a platform for students to showcase their architectural knowledge and skills in a competitive yet enjoyable environment.
- To foster collaboration and teamwork among students through interactive and fun competitions.
- To create a cultural exchange that highlights the diverse perspectives and talents within the field of architecture.
- To inspire students to explore new ideas and approaches in architecture while celebrating World Architecture Day.
Guest/Speakers of the Event (If any):
Name | Designation | Affiliation | Short Profile |
Ar. Shahrukh Shah, Ar. Anjli Dangwal | Asisstant Professor | SoAPD | Asisstant Professor |