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Workshop on BLOCKCHAIN and WEB3 OPENSOURCE Technologies in collaboration with Crewsphere IN ICP Hubs Network and Google Developers group DBUU Chapter

This event is being organized by ICP Hub India. We have invited William Sir from South America in this event. He will explain to the students of DBUU by relating Web3 and Blockchain to OpenSource.Through this online workshop student will learn how Web3 and Blockchain work. Through this workshop, students will get good connections and learn a lot about Web3 and Blockchain

Content of the Event: The aim of this workshop is to educate participants about blockchain technology, its underlying principles, potential applications across various industries, and often includes hands-on experience to help individuals understand how to implement blockchain solutions, ultimately aiming to foster knowledge and awareness about the transformative potential of this technology across different sectors.

Highlights of Events: Web3, Blockchain, Crypto, ICP HUB INDIA

Course Name: Btech (CSE), BCA

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 08-Feb-2025, 07:00 pm, Google Meet

Event Coordinator

  • Vaibhav Patil (+919529564330) Adrika Arun (+918528573627)

Contact Person:

  • Dhajvir Singh Rai (+919557891499) Abhay Pal (+919084200498)

AIM of the Event:

(Explain the basics of Web3) (blockchain) (source of funding for Blockchain startup) (what is icp) (told about crypto)

Guest/Speakers of the Event (If any):

Name Designation Affiliation Short Profile
Mr. William Antonio Guzman Bernal AWS Presales Solutions Architect Escala 24x7 Inc AWS Presales Solutions Architect

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