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About Event-

National Forensic Science Week (September 18-22, 2023) recognizes the contribution that forensic science makes to the criminal justice system. It is an opportunity to celebrate academic programs, forensic professionals, and scientific research in the various forensic disciplines. It has been a ritual to celebrate this week with a cascade of events throughout the different departments in universities offering Forensic Sciences. Nurturing the same ritual, we propose to start a Forensic Week “Evidentia: Where clues become conclusion” in Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University.

Content of the Events- The primary objective of Forensic Week is to promote awareness and appreciation of forensic science as a multidisciplinary field that plays a pivotal role in criminal investigations, judicial proceedings, and the pursuit of justice. We seek to achieve the following goals:


1. Knowledge Dissemination: Organize seminar and lectures by renowned forensic experts to educate participants on various forensic disciplines, techniques, and recent advancements.

2. Hands-on Learning: Conduct competitive sessions including posters and 3-D models allowing participants to engage in forensic experiments, research of the topic of interest and improve
presentation skills under expert guidance.

3. Promotion: Encourage more attention towards the field of forensic science by facilitating legal
awareness skits and nukkad-natak along with quiz and graffiti paintings.


  1. The Sherlock Talks- Expert Lectures (21-09-2023)
  2. The Forensic Spectacle- 3-D Model and Poster Competition (21-09-2023)
  3. The Fatal Walk: Ramp Walk in Victim’s costume (21-09-2023)
  4. Crimetoonist: Wall painting (22-09-2023)
  5. Quizzora- Quiz Competition (22-09-2023)
  6. ForensiFest- Cultural Gala (22-09-2023)

Speakers of the Events- 

Name- Mr. Shashank Shekhar Tiwari

Email ID- sstshashank@gmail.com

Designation & Experience- Senior Scientific Assistant

Organization- Forensic Science Laboratory, Delhi

Name- Dr. Archana Bahuguna

Email ID- archanabahuguna65@gmail.com

Designation & Experience- Scientist-E: Zoological Survey of India 27 Years of experience

Name- Dr. Manoj Agarwal

Email ID- mkagarwal1@gmail.com

Designation & Experience- Deputy Director FSL, Dehradun.
25 years of experience

Organization- Forensic Science Laboratory, Dehradun

Department Name- Department of Forensic Science, School Of Allied Sciences

Course Name (Participants)- Department of Forensic Science

Date Time & Venue of Events: 21-22 September 2023; 10:00 am onwards

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 21-Sep-2023, 10:00, DBUU Campus

Event Coordinator

  • Prof. Dr. Nabeel Ahmad,Ms. Apoorva Narad (Event Co-Ordinator) Mr. Sandarbh Dwivedi, Ms. Srishti Parashar (Organizing Members)

Contact Person:

  • Prof. Dr. Nabeel Ahmad, Apoorva Narad

AIM of the Event:

  • Knowledge Dissemination
  • Hands-On Learning
  • Promotion
  • Awareness about Forensic Science
  • Inter-University Co-operation

Event Media Gallery-

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