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Millets: Nourishing our Bodies, Nurturing our Planet

About Event-

School of Allied Sciences at DBUU is celebrating millet year, one-day colloquium and Expo on 5th May, with the aim to spread the knowledge about types of millet, their growing conditions and their uses. Also, it will inculcate in the youth the importance of millet for healthy lifestyle. The event includes lecture series by experts from pan-India and It will also spread awareness among young minds on the importance of millet usage with respect to health benefits as well as economic development of the country.

Content of the Events- Guest Lectures and Exhibition


  • Chief Guest: Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Uttarakhand- Shri Ganesh Joshi
  • Guest Lecture by Scientists
  • Exhibition by Millet Based FPOs and Startup

Speakers of the Events

NAME- Prof. Sunil Pabbi, Dr. P. RajendraKumar

Email ID- sunilpabbi@gmail.com, rajendra@millets.res.in

Designation & Experience- Principal Scientist and Head, Department of Microbiology, Scientist

Organization- Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Delhi, Indian Institute of Millet Research, Hyderabad

Course Name- DBUU

Date Time & Venue of Events: 5th May 2023, 10:00 am onwards

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 05-May-2023, 10:00, DBUU Campus

Event Coordinator

  • Prof. Nabeel Ahmad

Contact Person:

  • Prof. Nabeel Ahmad

AIM of the Event:

The colloquium aims to inculcate the knowledge about importance of millet for healthy lifestyle and the urgent need to include and increase the use of millet in day to day diet. The aim is to make it students’ movement so that the Indian millets recipes, value added products are accepted globally. It will also spread awareness among young minds on the importance of millet usage with respect to health benefits as well as economic development of the country

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