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Hands-on-Training cum workshop at Abhinav Dairy Farm, Sahaspur, Dehradun

About Event-

Hands-on-Training cum workshop at Abhinav Dairy, Sahaspur will provide the practical knolwdege to the students about dairy farming. In this workshop students will able to understand the advantages of dairy industry. It will provide an opportunity to impart knowledge of students about dairying and scientific cattle management, various research methodologies, and technology utilized in institute to enhance the quality of milk and milk prouct generation.

Content of the Events- One day hands-on-training cum workshopat Abhinav Dairy Farm, Sahaspur, Dehradun

Total no. of students- 20

Faculty allowted for visit- Mr. Brajesh Kumar

Highlights- Hands-on-Training cum workshop at Abhinav Dairy Farm, Sahaspur, Dehradun

Course Name- B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture VI Sem

Date Time & Venue of Events: 29 May, 2023 & 10:00 Am onward

Date, Time & Venue of the Event:

  • 29-May-2023, 10:00, Abhinav Dairy Farm, Sahaspur, Dehradun

Event Coordinator

  • Ms. Durga Rawat, Minnu Sasi

Contact Person:

  • Ms. Durga Rawat, Minnu Sasi

AIM of the Event:

  • To aware students about recent dairy farming practices and technologies used in agriculture.
  • To introduce the students with new teniques related with dairy farming.
  • To aware students about dairy farming system in local areas.
  • To improve the knowledge of students regarding new tools and machinery used for maximum production of mik.
  • To give knowledge to students about the practices followed for animal welfare and milk production.

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