About Event-
International Midwives’ Day serves to remind us that the female body is perfectly capable of giving birth and carrying a child to term without some of the invasive methods employed by Obstetricians and other practitioners. This day is observed to honor midwives’ work and promote awareness about their importance in providing crucial care to mothers and their newborns. In addition, it is a chance for us to recognize their efforts towards making the world a better place.
Content of the Events- Rangoli competition, t-shirt painting competition, slogan competition and Yoga for female (Stretching exercise, kegal exercise and breast self examination.
Highlights- International Day of the Midwife (IDM) 2023
Together again: from evidence to reality
Speakers of the Events
NAME- Dr. Mehvish Khalid
Email ID- Dean.sonps@dbuu.ac.in
Designation & Experience- Dean, Principal
Organization- DBIN, Dev Bhoomi
Uttarakhand University
Course Name- B.Sc II Sem, B.Sc III Year. B.Sc IV Year
Date Time & Venue of Events: 8th May, 2023 at 2pm to 3pm.
Yoga room, Nursing Building
Date, Time & Venue of the Event:
- 08-May-2023, 10:00, Yoga room, Nursing Building
Event Coordinator
- Ms. Priyanka Joshi
Contact Person:
- Ms. Priyanka Joshi
AIM of the Event:
To promote normal birth, prevent the detection of
complications in mother and child the accessing of
medical care or other appropriate assistance and the carrying out of emergency measures. To promote breast feeding and abide with the Breast Feeding policy.