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Donation Drive (in association with Nithyanand Swami Foundation)

About Event- 

The Department of Liberal Arts is organizing a donation drive on 11th May 2023, (in association with Nithyanand Swami Foundation). During this donation drive, students will be actively involved in collecting, sorting, and distributing essential items to the less privileged. Through this donation drive, we hope to bring a ray of hope and alleviate the immediate needs of the underprivileged individuals and families living in the nearby slum. By actively participating in this event, students can contribute to creating a positive impact in society and develop a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities.

Content of the Events- The event will begin with a brief orientation session, where the organizers will provide information on the objectives of the donation drive and guidelines for the distribution process. Students will be divided into teams and assigned specific tasks to ensure a smooth and efficient operation.

Once the donations are collected and organized, we will head to the nearby slum area to distribute the items. This will be an opportunity to directly interact with the residents, listen to their stories, and offer support and empathy. The focus of this initiative is not only on material assistance but also on fostering a sense of compassion and solidarity within the student community.

Highlights- Students will engage in social work.

They will collect and sort donation items including clothes and non-perishable food items.

The students and the faculty coordinators will visit the nearby slum to distribute the donation items.

The team from DBUU will be accompanied by the team from Nithyanand Swami Foundation.

Department Name- Department of Liberal Arts, School of Journalism and Liberal Arts

Course Name- BA (Hons.) English, BA (Hons.) Economics, MA Economics, BA Yoga, BFA.

Date Time & Venue of Events: 10:30 AM – 12:00 AM, slum area(s) near the university campus.

Date Time & Venue of Events:

  • 11-Apr-2023, 10:30, slum area(s) near the university campus.

Event Coordinator & Organizing Team Members:

  • Mrs. Rashmi Panwar, Mr. Shubham Mamgain, -

Contact Person:

  • Mr. Shubham Mamgain, -

AIM of the Event:

  • The donation drive aims to collect clothes and non-perishable food items from college students.
  • The donated items will be distributed to impoverished residents living in a nearby slum.
  • The event seeks to provide immediate assistance to those in need and alleviate their daily challenges.
  • By participating in the donation drive, college students aim to foster compassion and solidarity within the community.
  • The event aims to create a positive impact by offering support and empathy to marginalized individuals and families.